Statistiche COVID-19

Aggiornate alle ore 13:18.01 di oggi domenica 24 aprile 2022
Nel mondo ci sono complessivamente 509.268.964 casi che crescono nelle ultime 24 ore del +0,11% (+538.332 casi), i casi dimessi sono 461.827.849 e crescono sempre nelle 24 ore del +0,14% (+657.932 casi). I decessi sono 6.242.509, il +0,02% (+1.548 casi) rispetto a ieri.
I paesi con il maggior numero di casi:   USA 82.649.779 , India 43.057.545 , Brazil 30.345.654 , France 28.244.977 Germany 24.109.433 UK 21.933.206   
USA è il paese con il maggior numero di decessi: 1.018.316  USA è Il paese con il maggior numero di dimessi: 80.434.925.
Casi totali
Totale decessi
Totale dimessi
Casi chiusi

Statistiche Tonga   

Ultimi dati registrati alle ore
In Tonga, , i nuovi casi sono . I decessi registrati Le persone dimesse sono 0   e i casi critici  0 .
Le statistiche precedenti sono di alle ore con nuovi casi e decessi.
I casi totali sono il 0,00% dei casi totali mondiali. I decessi totali sono il 0,00% dei decessi mondiali
Casi totali
Casi chiusi 0
Casi critici totali
Per milione di ab.
Nuovi casi
Decessi vedi mappa
Casi totali
Dimessi totali
Casi totali
Decessi totali
Paese Casi totali Nuovi casi Decessi Nuovi decessi Casi critici Dimessi Per 1m ab.
Mondo 509.268.964 204.268 6.242.509 630 0 461.827.849 6,5459
USA 82.649.779 0 1.018.316 0 1.465 80.434.925 247.080
India 43.057.545 0 522.193 0 698 42.519.479 30.657
Brazil 30.345.654 0 662.663 0 8.318 29.364.400 140.954
France 28.244.977 0 145.020 0 1.677 25.852.832 430.996
Germany 24.109.433 0 134.624 0 1.980 21.243.000 286.106
UK 21.933.206 0 173.352 0 339 20.782.350 320.054
Russia 18.137.137 8.446 374.902 168 2.300 17.474.628 124.187
S. Korea 16.895.194 64.725 22.133 109 726 0 329.028
Italia 16.079.209 0 162.609 0 409 14.684.371 266.648
Turkey 15.016.270 0 98.676 0 975 14.854.475 174.654
Spain 11.786.036 0 103.908 0 339 11.261.340 251.906
Vietnam 10.563.502 8.813 43.013 9 612 9.086.075 106.789
Argentina 9.060.923 0 128.344 0 412 8.895.999 197.215
Netherlands 8.035.603 0 22.206 0 94 7.643.520 467.096
Japan 7.621.562 43.721 29.284 27 195 7.135.403 60.596
Iran 7.216.040 528 140.975 13 1.046 6.966.954 83.972
Colombia 6.091.094 0 139.771 0 342 5.924.433 117.448
Indonesia 6.043.768 0 156.067 0 2.771 5.868.251 21.682
Poland 5.991.197 344 115.948 0 1.588 5.334.375 158.616
Mexico 5.733.514 802 324.117 57 4.798 5.033.892 43.641
Australia 5.689.377 34.769 6.991 21 135 5.274.197 218.537
Ukraine 4.997.224 0 108.306 0 177 0 115.517
Malaysia 4.427.067 0 35.491 0 89 4.310.599 133.690
Thailand 4.165.874 17.784 27.778 126 1.496 3.954.945 59.414
Austria 4.104.859 5.810 18.047 12 121 3.989.860 451.125
Israel 4.054.342 0 10.658 0 220 4.009.152 434.735
Belgium 4.015.791 0 31.319 0 169 3.726.457 343.798
Czechia 3.895.544 911 40.081 5 43 3.838.099 362.550
Portugal 3.791.744 0 22.162 0 61 0 373.827
South Africa 3.759.689 0 100.298 0 175 3.632.572 61.981
Canada 3.695.585 0 38.777 0 426 3.426.082 96.391
Philippines 3.684.500 205 60.182 3 289 3.610.658 32.835
Switzerland 3.579.867 0 13.816 0 90 3.378.507 408.247
Peru 3.559.343 0 212.724 0 356 0 105.303
Chile 3.544.463 0 57.375 0 286 3.368.772 182.588
Greece 3.277.557 0 28.867 0 277 3.151.717 317.250
Denmark 2.959.040 0 6.072 0 15 2.929.091 507.639
Romania 2.888.318 494 65.427 6 216 2.606.660 151.968
Sweden 2.498.388 0 18.656 0 19 2.464.421 244.630
Iraq 2.324.141 0 25.204 0 20 2.295.947 55.534
Serbia 2.001.144 0 15.953 0 25 1.967.786 230.710
Bangladesh 1.952.532 0 29.127 0 1.297 1.893.131 11.646
Hungary 1.890.953 0 46.048 0 45 1.776.617 196.645
Slovakia 1.774.808 1.155 19.839 10 88 1.730.712 324.794
Jordan 1.694.216 0 14.048 0 124 1.678.941 163.125
Georgia 1.654.255 92 16.800 3 0 1.635.791 416.129
Pakistan 1.527.856 105 30.369 0 186 1.493.998 6.683
Ireland 1.509.536 0 6.996 0 41 1.415.949 299.669
Norway 1.423.509 0 2.871 0 20 0 258.925
Kazakhstan 1.305.457 10 13.660 0 24 1.290.988 68.056
Hong Kong 1.201.431 0 9.236 0 115 0 157.942
Singapore 1.180.124 0 1.325 0 9 1.109.387 198.895
Morocco 1.164.670 0 16.065 0 293 1.148.154 30.893
Bulgaria 1.152.892 0 36.849 0 105 959.542 168.206
Croatia 1.117.175 0 15.778 0 22 1.096.829 275.195
Cuba 1.101.486 0 8.523 0 23 1.091.603 97.355
Lebanon 1.096.320 0 10.374 0 186 1.079.455 161.931
Lithuania 1.054.618 427 9.063 9 31 1.016.510 397.407
Tunisia 1.039.532 0 28.533 0 29 0 86.327
Slovenia 1.003.970 0 6.576 0 30 980.501 482.805
Finland 1.000.472 0 3.638 0 31 46.000 180.062
Nepal 978.743 11 11.951 0 0 966.523 32.535
Belarus 977.434 0 6.922 0 0 928.536 103.501
Bolivia 904.377 83 21.908 1 220 855.123 75.614
UAE 897.136 244 2.302 0 0 879.787 88.772
Uruguay 895.775 0 7.197 0 18 886.654 256.268
New Zealand 884.289 5.714 636 9 0 824.272 176.784
Ecuador 868.053 0 35.581 0 759 0 47.888
Costa Rica 847.784 0 8.383 0 43 829.515 163.725
Guatemala 841.341 0 17.496 0 5 821.185 45.444
Latvia 817.316 322 5.743 0 9 803.135 442.135
Azerbaijan 792.476 0 9.707 0 0 782.634 76.908
Panama 771.486 0 8.182 0 8 759.832 173.862
Saudi Arabia 753.332 0 9.076 0 45 740.467 21.047
Sri Lanka 663.131 0 16.502 0 0 642.574 30.736
Paraguay 649.034 0 18.795 0 5 624.673 89.022
Kuwait 631.294 0 2.555 0 8 627.899 143.981
Myanmar 612.733 0 19.434 0 0 591.609 11.127
Palestine 581.816 0 5.353 0 17 575.899 109.459
Dominican Republic 578.954 0 4.376 0 16 574.297 52.421
Estonia 570.257 181 2.531 0 7 507.474 429.364
Bahrain 565.830 0 1.475 0 3 560.795 312.916
Venezuela 522.121 0 5.705 0 230 515.305 18.456
Moldova 516.986 0 11.489 0 49 504.142 128.698
Egypt 515.645 0 24.613 0 122 442.182 4.873
Libya 501.862 0 6.429 0 101 490.900 71.288
Cyprus 470.481 0 1.011 0 60 124.370 384.623
Ethiopia 470.417 0 7.510 0 15 454.967 3.917
Mongolia 469.580 30 2.177 0 192 313.256 139.194
Armenia 422.825 3 8.622 0 0 410.558 142.210
Honduras 422.275 0 10.892 0 105 131.100 41.445
Oman 388.995 0 4.257 0 2 384.055 72.833
Bosnia and Herzegovina 376.699 0 15.756 0 0 192.218 116.122
Réunion 374.295 0 742 0 10 355.605 412.744
Qatar 364.089 0 677 0 1 362.568 129.670
Kenya 323.696 0 5.649 0 0 317.909 5.790
Zambia 318.984 0 3.974 0 0 314.075 16.517
North Macedonia 309.062 0 9.271 0 0 299.064 148.358
Botswana 305.859 0 2.688 0 1 303.026 125.491
Albania 274.791 0 3.496 0 2 270.869 95.675
Algeria 265.761 0 6.874 0 6 178.344 5.869
Nigeria 255.685 0 3.143 0 11 249.890 1.187
Zimbabwe 247.524 0 5.468 0 12 241.362 16.227
Uzbekistan 238.469 27 1.637 0 23 236.483 6.943
Montenegro 234.619 0 2.713 0 6 231.297 373.473
Luxembourg 233.966 0 1.058 0 1 221.501 363.099
Mozambique 225.358 0 2.201 0 13 223.104 6.863
Laos 205.975 1.082 732 0 0 7.660 27.588
Kyrgyzstan 200.983 0 2.991 0 131 196.386 29.915
China 200.654 1.580 4.725 39 236 166.398 139
Iceland 183.974 0 112 0 1 75.685 532.886
Maldives 178.883 0 298 0 25 163.687 320.737
Afghanistan 178.689 39 7.682 1 1.124 161.748 4.411
Uganda 164.069 0 3.596 0 2 100.205 3.394
El Salvador 162.089 0 4.127 0 8 150.662 24.764
Ghana 161.124 0 1.445 0 1 159.655 4.997
Namibia 158.332 0 4.023 0 0 153.662 60.341
Martinique 147.519 0 918 0 8 104 393.657
Trinidad and Tobago 144.359 0 3.812 0 18 133.604 102.552
Brunei 141.014 0 218 0 2 139.724 316.857
Guadeloupe 140.130 0 854 0 19 2.250 350.108
Cambodia 136.200 0 3.056 0 0 132.896 7.948
Rwanda 129.764 0 1.458 0 0 45.522 9.590
Jamaica 129.489 0 2.943 0 0 82.965 43.387
Cameroon 119.780 0 1.927 0 13 117.791 4.318
Angola 99.194 0 1.900 0 0 97.149 2.858
Malta 90.595 196 688 1 4 84.646 204.196
DRC 87.023 0 1.337 0 0 50.930 921
Senegal 85.984 0 1.966 0 1 84.001 4.902
Malawi 85.747 0 2.633 0 67 81.938 4.283
Ivory Coast 81.887 0 799 0 0 81.061 2.972
French Guiana 80.422 0 394 0 1 11.254 257.228
Suriname 79.302 0 1.327 0 0 49.396 133.030
Channel Islands 73.609 0 166 0 0 72.059 416.444
French Polynesia 72.648 0 648 0 7 0 255.948
Eswatini 70.284 0 1.397 0 11 68.764 59.470
Barbados 67.256 0 389 0 0 63.424 233.520
Fiji 64.524 0 862 0 0 62.677 71.048
Madagascar 64.121 0 1.391 0 14 59.370 2.213
Guyana 63.413 0 1.228 0 1 62.092 79.925
Sudan 62.093 0 4.930 0 0 0 1.359
New Caledonia 60.457 0 312 0 9 60.064 208.148
Mauritania 58.683 0 982 0 0 57.693 12.050
Bhutan 57.771 431 20 0 3 53.080 73.412
Belize 57.419 0 676 0 6 56.534 139.823
Taiwan 56.468 5.172 856 0 0 23.729 2.363
Cabo Verde 56.004 0 401 0 23 55.538 98.792
Syria 55.795 0 3.150 0 0 52.090 3.054
Gabon 47.597 0 303 0 0 47.282 20.512
Papua New Guinea 43.732 0 649 0 7 43.025 4.726
Seychelles 42.079 0 165 0 0 41.260 423.134
Curaçao 41.966 0 273 0 3 41.251 253.872
Andorra 41.013 0 153 0 14 40.343 529.282
Burundi 38.887 0 38 0 0 773 3.104
Mauritius 37.656 0 990 0 0 35.656 29.521
Mayotte 37.038 0 187 0 0 2.964 130.099
Togo 36.977 0 273 0 0 36.679 4.285
Guinea 36.459 0 440 0 8 35.976 2.647
Faeroe Islands 34.658 0 28 0 5 7.693 704.460
Aruba 34.589 0 212 0 2 34.251 321.507
Tanzania 33.864 0 803 0 7 0 539
Bahamas 33.463 0 789 0 11 32.310 83.652
Lesotho 32.910 0 697 0 0 24.155 15.146
Mali 30.727 0 731 0 0 29.795 1.442
Haiti 30.640 0 835 0 0 29.389 2.629
Isle of Man 28.416 0 87 0 0 26.794 331.015
Benin 26.952 0 163 0 5 25.506 2.123
Somalia 26.485 0 1.350 0 0 13.182 1.587
Congo 24.079 0 385 0 0 20.178 4.178
Saint Lucia 23.239 0 368 0 1 22.736 125.520
Timor-Leste 22.860 0 130 0 0 22.714 16.762
Cayman Islands 21.755 0 26 0 1 8.553 324.145
Burkina Faso 20.853 0 382 0 0 20.439 951
Nicaragua 18.491 0 225 0 0 4.225 2.733
Gibraltar 17.706 0 102 0 0 16.579 525.822
South Sudan 17.422 0 138 0 1 13.514 1.524
Tajikistan 17.388 0 124 0 0 17.264 1.752
Liechtenstein 17.103 12 85 1 0 16.831 446.251
San Marino 16.140 0 114 0 4 15.662 473.870
Equatorial Guinea 15.907 0 183 0 5 15.698 10.704
Djibouti 15.611 0 189 0 0 15.411 15.396
CAR 14.649 0 113 0 2 6.859 2.941
Grenada 14.428 0 220 0 4 13.945 127.159
Bermuda 13.143 0 131 0 0 12.719 212.453
Solomon Islands 12.437 0 139 0 2 11.194 17.339
Dominica 12.011 0 63 0 0 11.926 166.107
Gambia 11.995 0 365 0 0 11.591 4.724
Greenland 11.971 0 21 0 4 2.761 210.209
Yemen 11.818 0 2.148 0 23 9.001 381
Monaco 11.604 0 54 0 4 11.362 291.969
Saint Martin 10.279 0 63 0 7 1.399 257.903
Sint Maarten 9.990 0 86 0 10 9.841 228.317
Eritrea 9.733 0 103 0 0 9.629 2.678
Caribbean Netherlands 9.592 0 34 0 0 9.392 359.749
Tonga 9.553 0 11 0 0 8.306 88.571
Niger 8.914 0 309 0 1 8.507 346
Guinea-Bissau 8.185 0 171 0 6 7.515 3.989
Comoros 8.100 0 160 0 0 7.933 8.970
Sierra Leone 7.681 0 125 0 0 0 929
Antigua and Barbuda 7.571 0 135 0 1 7.402 76.172
Liberia 7.432 0 294 0 2 5.747 1.410
Chad 7.396 0 193 0 0 4.874 428
Samoa 7.185 0 13 0 3 1.605 35.783
Vanuatu 6.793 0 12 0 5 5.991 21.222
St. Vincent Grenadines 6.779 0 106 0 0 6.641 60.757
British Virgin Islands 6.296 0 62 0 1 0 205.792
Sao Tome and Principe 5.953 0 73 0 0 5.875 26.282
Turks and Caicos 5.941 0 36 0 4 5.862 149.791
Saint Kitts and Nevis 5.561 0 43 0 0 5.517 103.215
Cook Islands 4.727 0 0 0 0 3.990 268.686
St. Barth 4.432 0 6 0 0 0 446.279
Palau 4.396 0 6 0 1 3.879 240.877
Kiribati 3.076 0 13 0 3 2.597 25.058
Anguilla 2.731 0 9 0 4 2.716 179.141
Saint Pierre Miquelon 2.641 0 1 0 1 2.449 459.864
Diamond Princess 712 0 13 0 0 699 0
Wallis and Futuna 454 0 7 0 0 438 41.713
Montserrat 183 0 2 0 0 174 36.622
Falkland Islands 128 0 0 0 0 0 34.944
Macao 82 0 0 0 0 82 123
Vatican City 29 0 0 0 0 29 36.025
Marshall Islands 15 0 0 0 0 7 250
Western Sahara 10 0 1 0 0 9 16
MS Zaandam 9 0 2 0 0 7 0
Niue 8 0 0 0 0 7 4.860
Nauru 3 0 0 0 0 3 274
Saint Helena 2 0 0 0 0 2 327
Micronesia 1 0 0 0 0 1 9